Back To School Pediatric Appointments

As the new school year approaches, it’s important to ensure our kids have the best start possible by keeping them healthy and strong. Our pediatric naturopathic appointments focus on boosting immunity and preparing kids for the new school year by offering natural remedies for common illnesses, child-friendly treatments, and expert advice on nutrition and lifestyle. 

Dr. Miller’s extensive knowledge in nutrition allows for her to take a personalized approach to your child’s eating habits to help with supporting growth, cognition and immunity. She knows that kids can be picky, so she finds unique ways to help accommodate the pickiest of eaters. She also recognizes that going back to school can be a stressful time for some kids, in which she can support your child’s anxiety and mental health in her full body treatment plans. 

Dr. Miller offers a shorter one hour initial visit for children 12 and under to help make naturopathic treatments as accessible as possible. 

Book your appointment today with our pediatric naturopathic doctor Dr. Miller. Elizabeth Miller naturopath

virtual naturopathic visit- Sequence Wellness, naturopathic doctor, holistic nutrition


On the fence about booking an initial appointment? We offer a free 10-minute video chat to help determine if we are a good fit and can effectively help.

Get more clarity on how we practice and how we can become your personal health investigators to get you feeling well again.