Intermittent Fasting for Gut Health
Changing WHEN you eat to heal your gut Just like everywhere else, the gastrointestinal tract has to get cleaned. The way we do this is via electromechanical activity between meals (called the Migrating Motor Complex). Essentially, this is an automatic process controlled by the brain (and involving the vagus nerve for the upper GI) and […]
Digestion of Fats
Does your poop float? Every day I ask patients detailed questions about their poop, and mostly people have answers, except when I ask them if their stool floats. That question seems to stump most people, but it matters, and here’s why: If we’re not fully digesting and absorbing the fat in our food it […]
Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth SIBO is a very common digestive issue that leads to bloating, constipation and/or diarrhea, and possibly contributes to systemic symptoms including acne, rosacea, joint pain, migraines, etc. Mouth-to-bum our digestive tract is all one long tube, with different specialized sections. At the top is our mouth, with hard masticating tools (our […]
Castor Oil Abdominal Massage
The Lazy Castor Oil Pack The Castor Plant The castor plant (Ricinus communis) is a perennial that is native to Eastern Africa. Castor oil can be made from extracting the oil from the seeds of the plant. Castor oil has been used for thousands of years industrially, medicinally and pharmaceutically. In Egypt, castor oil was […]