Root cause of SIBO

- Sequence Wellness, naturopathic doctor, holistic nutrition

What causes SIBO?

Once your SIBO is resolved it’s important to determine what the initial cause was to prevent recurrence. There are 4 main causes of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth:

  1. Impaired motility
  2. Impaired digestion
  3.  Impaired outflow
  4. Medications
Impaired Motility | Cause of SIBO

Movement of food during the digestive phase, and even movement of debris via the migrating motor complex between meals, is a very important step in keeping your gut clean, healthy and free of an overgrowth of bacteria. Factors that can lead to impaired gastrointestinal motility include:

Impaired Digestion | Cause of SIBO

Digestion isn’t just about breaking down and absorbing our foot. The juices and movement involved also keeps our GI tract healthy. Signs that you have impaired digestion include:

  • Belching, gas or bloating
  • Heartburn
  • Bad breath
  • Excessive fullness after meals
  • Stomach pain or cramping
  • Undigested food in your stool
  • Does your stool float, or if is “greasy” (stains the bowl)
Impaired Outflow | Cause of SIBO

There can also be mechanical obstructions which make it difficult for your body to push along food, debris and bacteria. Abdominal surgery is a major cause.

  • Gallbladder removal
  • Appendectomy
  • Hysterectomy
  • Laparoscopic surgery or examination
  • Abdominal trauma (as in car accident or other major injury)
  • Endometriosis
  • Cesarean section
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Ruptured ovarian cyst
  • Hernia repair
  • Any anatomical abnormalities
Medications that cause SIBO

Many medications alter digestive function, either by design, or as a side effect.

  • Some antidepressants (there are higher levels of serotonin in the gut than the brain for example)
  • Antispasmodics
  • Opiates/narcotics
  • Proton pump inhibitors or antacids
  • Antidiarrheal meds


All to say, after your SIBO has been resolved, and this underlying mechanism has been identified, it’s quite possible not only to prevent any recurrence of SIBO, but also perhaps the SIBO was a great clue to draw our attention TO this underlying issue! Sometimes symptoms are a valuable tool that guides us towards better body balance and long-term disease prevention.

Need help deciphering your digestive health? Book with one of our naturopathic doctors. We are keen to get to the root cause of what’s going on with your body.

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